As part of our
solution for companies with large turnover or merger/cultural
difficulties, SAFERjett offers a Professional Standards Program (PSP).
This program is a highly effective FAA endorsed program designed to
handle inter-personal conflict and all other human factors issues at
the lowest possible level within the organization (i.e. pilot to
pilot). The ultimate goal of PSP is not retribution or punishment, but
enhancement of safety and an improvement in the work climate.
Should your
company identify a crewmember as needing counseling, SAFERjett will
provide a trained facilitator to handle these issues within 24 hours of
notification. Most issues are resolved via
a phone call, but sometimes personal meetings are required. SAFERjett
requires our client to be responsible for travel and expenses. SAFERjett
normally includes the PSP as an offering with our formal courses of
training. However, we can for a fee administer PSP to crewmembers or at
client request, train your own personnel to become PSP facilitators. We
will gladly work with your FAA POI to establish this program, as our
facilitators have a multitude of experience dealing with these issues.
If you are interested in a PSP make sure you inform your account
manager prior to commencing training. If you are interested in a stand
alone program without other modules contact SAFERjett for more information.